Sunday, February 12, 2017


11 Easy Ways How to Whiten Yellow Teeth Without a Dentist


11 Easy Ways How to Whiten Yellow Teeth Without a Dentist - Do you have yellow teeth? although only a color, but the teeth look yellow can make the confidence to be down, especially when you're hanging out and talking with others.

White teeth is now the dream of many people, be it women or men I'm sure must desire it. By having white teeth, the smile we will look more brilliant, so the confidence is growing. But before I discuss how to whiten teeth naturally yellow, it's good to first read the following causes.

What Causes Yellow Teeth

1. Lazy scrubbing and cleaning the teeth
2. Brushing teeth in a way that is not true alias wrong.
3. Often consume drinks such as coffee and herbal teas that trigger yellow teeth.
4. For you smokers, nicotine can also cause yellow teeth.
5. The use of eye drops excessively.
6. Frequent consumption of energy drinks and supplements.
7. The use of bleach teeth that did not fit, and so on.

If your teeth yellow, you mean frequent bad habits like above. Therefore, while applying natural way to whiten yellow teeth which I will share this time, try to minimize the bad habits above as much as possible.

How to Whiten Teeth Naturally Fast Yellow

Many people assume brushing teeth alone is enough to take care of the teeth and prevent cavities. But actually brushing teeth alone is not enough, you also have to use some of the natural ingredients in order to get white teeth clean and healthy.

1. Use Miswak

How to whiten yellow teeth with Siwak

Miswak or Siwak, has long been recognized as a cleaning agent teeth, gums and mouth. In fact, history records this natural ingredient has been used since the days of ancient Egypt. All the branches and roots of trees siwak you can actually use, but make sure the danger of a soft and clean so as not to cause irritation.

How to whiten yellow teeth with Siwak:

1. First, prepare siwak soft, could branches or roots.
2. Siwak Mash until smooth, then rubs gently into gear.
3. Make a scrub for approximately 10-15 seconds.
4. Rinse with warm water.

2. Use charcoal

As we all know, the charcoal has alkaline properties by making the environment around the charcoal becomes alkaline, alkaline water on a charcoal certainly very helpful in the process of cleaning the teeth. At a certain base level can be harmful to our bodies, but the levels of alkaline in charcoal still at levels which are very safe for the human body, for that charcoal can be used as an alternative way to whiten teeth quickly.

Powdered charcoal are filtered form of fines, it is also very supportive to whiten teeth safely because it is abrasive alias similar to sandpaper, but very smooth and safe. How to clean your teeth with charcoal also has been known since ancient times but the past of our ancestors may not know why the charcoal can be used to whiten teeth, do not know well how to work the charcoal clean teeth and bleach.

How naturally whiten teeth with charcoal:

1. Prepare charcoal sparingly.
2. Puree the charcoal to a powder.
3. Use to brush his teeth slowly.
4. Rinse with warm water and see the results.

Note: Remember, although able to whiten teeth quickly but try not to use excessively.

3. Orange peel

From now on you do not waste orange peel. Who would have thought, orange peel has a great efficacy for dental care. Use fresh orange peel to whiten teeth naturally. Even with regular use, your gums will be healthy and free from bacteria.

How to whiten teeth naturally with orange peel:

1. Provide fresh orange peel taste.
2. Scrape the white part until the end.
3. Put in a toothbrush, and use it to brush their teeth thoroughly.
4. Rinse with warm water until clean.

4. Strawberry

Strawberries are not only delicious to eat, but he was also quite helpful to whiten teeth. Besides strawberries and other natural teeth whitening that you can consume them like apples, carrots, and celery.

You do not need to make a special potion of these materials. Quite directly consume on a daily basis have been effective. To get maximum results, just chew for a long time and evenly throughout the tooth.

5. Create a natural toothpaste

Brushing the teeth with toothpaste alone is not enough. You should also make natural toothpaste to whiten natural teeth. Pasta is made of bay leaves and orange peel that has been trusted since ancient times, so you do not need to doubt anymore usefulness.

How to whiten teeth with natural pasta:

1. Prepare the bay leaf and orange peel sparingly.
2. Drying both the material until it dries.
3. Mash until smooth, then add a little water.
4. If already form a paste, use for brushing teeth.
5. Rinse with warm water until clean.

6. Lemon and salt

Similarly, charcoal, salt also can erode the enamel. Thus, the use of salt is very effective to whiten teeth naturally yellow. But remember, try not to use excessive, because it can cause it to be damaged.

How to whiten teeth with lemon and salt:

1. Combine lemon juice and salt until it forms a dough-like paste.
2. Use it to brush their teeth as usual.
3. Rinse with warm water until clean.

7. Use baking soda

Baking soda may be more familiar as one of the ingredients required when making bread and cakes. Who would have thought, it turns baking soda can also be utilized to clean the stains on the teeth. The nature abrasive high enough to help lift the small dirt stuck to the teeth.

How naturally whiten teeth with baking soda:

1. Mix baking soda with warm water to form a paste.
2. Spread evenly throughout the tooth, then let stand 15 minutes.
3. Rub your teeth with toothpaste as usual.

Note: use baking soda will be likely to lead to excessive tooth decay. Therefore, try to stop when the teeth are already white.

8. Areca nuts

It turned out that betel nut for health benefits is very complete, including one that can maintain oral health. Areca nuts are very nutritious to whiten teeth naturally yellow. Even with regular use of betel nuts is also believed to strengthen teeth you know!

How to whiten teeth with betel nuts:

1. First of betel nuts grilled until charred.
2. Furthermore, puree until smooth and mix with warm water.
3. Rub into the teeth with a cotton cloth.
4. Then gargle with warm water to clean.

9. Stop smoking now

You need to know the actual smoke contains tar and tobacco blends can make your teeth yellow. If you really want to whiten teeth quickly you should stop smoking now. Besides being able to whiten yellow teeth, stopping smoking can also make you much healthier life.

10. Consumption of dairy products

Did you actually helpful dairy products whiten teeth? Yup, dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, ice cream, and so high calcium which is good for the teeth. Not only single tooth whitening, but also a source of calcium can make teeth stronger.

11. Brushing your teeth regularly

Although brushing alone is not enough, but you try to do it regularly at least 2-3 times a day. Best toothbrush takes about 3 minutes. Also, make sure you also correct brushing technique, use a soft toothbrush so as not to damage the gums, and do not try too hard.

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