Sunday, February 12, 2017


7 Typhoid Fever Symptoms and How to Prevent It Before It's Too Late

7-Typhoid-Symptoms-and-how-to-prevent-it Before-It's-Too Late

Typhus or typhoid, that in the medical world known as typhoid fever is a disease caused by the bacterial infection of the digestive tract. Typhus usually more common in children - children than adults, because the immune system of children - children are more susceptible to bacterial infections. Typhoid fever usually occur when the seasons change and the weather.

Typhus caused by infection with the bacterium Salmonella typhi, where the disease is transmitted through food and water. A polluted environment is usually associated with the disease, because the typhoid bacteria live in an environment that is dirty and rundown, and the food and water that is not clean.

The bacteria that cause typhoid, salmonella thypi transmitted through 5F or food (food), fingers (finger), fly (fly), vomitus (vomiting) and feces (stool). These bacteria can live well in the human body and will die if the ambient temperature reaches 70 degrees Celsius. The most common cases of typhoid fever are caused by bacteria that enter through the mouth or the food. Typhus is not a dangerous disease but it can be very disturbing our daily activities - day.

To ensure patients have typhoid or other diseases usually do widal test. Widal test is a clinical test used to confirm the presence of Salmonella bacteria in the blood serum thypi. But this time, the test is considered less effective widal to confirm a diagnosis of typhoid patients. Examination by way Typhidot or TUBEX believed to be more accurate, but the test is not yet available in all laboratories.

Typhoid Pathophysiology Infection

The bacteria that enter through the mouth will go to intestinal wall blood flow. Once the bacteria reach the intestinal wall, the bacteria will multiply or referred to hereinafter as bacteremia can cause ulcers and irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

In response, the immune system will attack the bacteria by releasing a collection of immune cells including reticulo endothelial cells. The immune system will restore the normal state of the body and eliminate the disease over time, so that typhoid is also known as self-limiting disease.

The food was infected with Salmonella bacteria into the digestive tract through the mouth of a person's body. The bacteria that enter the stomach will be killed by stomach acid, if there are bacteria that escaped and managed to get into the circulatory system, then that person will contract the disease typhus.
Factors that cause typhoid

Causes and symptoms of typhoid

The main factor of typhoid disease is a diet that unhygienic and dirty environment. Here is an explanation of the factors that can cause a person can be infected with bacteria and infected with typhoid.

1. Drinking raw water

Salmonella bacteria can live in the water and contaminate the drinking water so that the water that is not cooked before can harm health and cause disease typhoid.

2. Contaminated Food

Food contaminated with Salmonella bacteria is usually not cooked properly. Before consumption, food ingredients should be washed and cooked with cooking utensils clean. Otherwise, bacteria will remain alive in these foods. Meals can also be exposed to the bacteria when touched hands dirty.

3. Contaminated water

Polluted water is the source of the disease, because germs and bacteria including Salmonalla bacteria can live in the dirty water. Avoid the consumption of contaminated water can keep us from disease typhoid.

4. Sanitation is incorrect

Sanitation is a man of all efforts made to prevent him in direct contact with dirt or other hazardous materials in the hope that what he does can realize a healthy environment and clean.

If sanitation is done improperly, which occurred not condition a clean and healthy environment, but the environment is dirty and rundown. This kind of environment where life flies, rodents and cockroaches.

Moreover, the fly is the main intermediary typhoid disease, which flies landed on the dirt contained Salmonella bacteria, the bacteria then transmit it by means of land on a food.
Symptoms of typhoid

Although the bacteria that enters the body can be attacked by the immune system, sometimes bacteria can still be alive and continue breeding. The bacteria will lead to the emergence of a variety of symptoms.

Various symptoms will usually appear within 10-14 days after the bacteria infecting body. Here are the symptoms caused by typhoid fever:

1. Headache

Bacterial infections can cause severe inflammation in the body so that the immune system forms a protein called histamine. Histamine can trigger contractions and constriction of blood vessels in the brain, causing the patient to experience severe headaches.

2. Nausea and vomiting

When there is an infection caused by the bacterium Salmonella thypi, liver functioning detoxing be enlarged and have swelling that suppress stomach and intestines.

This condition causes sufferers experience nausea even if it is accompanied by high levels of stomach acid, the patient will vomit - vomiting and if not treated, can be fatal.

3. Loss of appetite

Various caused symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain will make typhoid sufferer loses appetite. Intravenous fluids and soft foods can help patients to meet nutrition during typhoid fever lasts.

4. Upset stomach

Typhoid patients will usually experience severe abdominal pain caused by splenomegaly, or enlargement of the spleen and heartburn caused by inflammation due to bacterial infection. This condition will worsen if the patient is not immediately addressed.

5. Fever

Fever is one of the universal symptoms of the disease, which occurs due to an increase in temperature in response to infection that occurs in the body. In patients with typhoid fever usually happens during 7-10 days, especially at night.

Fever can occur because the bacteria that proliferate in the body trigger the immune system to release pyrogens cells that affect the thermostat or regulator of body temperature. The cells will trigger a rise in body temperature with the intent to kill bacteria, so that the body will experience a high fever.

6. Diarrhea

Diarrhea often accompanies typhoid fever patients, due to the nature thypi Salmonella bacteria that attacks the gastrointestinal tract tends to inhibit fluid absorption in the intestine and cause the stools become liquid.

7. Rash

Just like dengue, typhoid patient's skin will also be raised red spots or rashes. This is due to the bacillus embolism or blockage of blood vessels that can form air bubbles.

Prevention and treatment of patients with typhoid.

Frequently clean the kitchen, toilet and the rest of the house. Do not let your home environment is dirty, because a dirty environment is a breeding ground for bacteria typhoid. Here is how to prevent infection with Salmonella bacteria that can cause disease typhus.

1. Frequent hand washing

Do not forget to wash their hands before cooking and eating. Use an antiseptic soap to kill bacteria on the hands. Do not forget to clean the food ingredients before cooking.

2. Always use clean water

Use only clean water for cooking, drinking and cleaning the body. If you are already infected with typhus, then drink 8-9 glasses of water every day to prevent dehydration and also reduces heat-induced fever.

3. Get enough rest

Adequate rest is needed by patients with typhus so that cells die in the body can regenerate. In addition, patients with typhoid advised to rest for a total of 7 days when the fever, because it will help the patient to recover more quickly.

4. Treatment typhoid vaccination

To prevent this disease, do typhoid vaccine. Vaccination is recommended for those who are going to travel, live in areas affected by typhoid or staying with relatives suffering from typhus, as well as health workers who treat typhoid patient.

5. Make a compress for fever

If you experience high fever, give paracetamol and did compress on the forehead with warm water. Compress fever with cold water will only aggravate the fever. So that patients feel more comfortable during a fever, it is recommended to wear clothes that are thin and can absorb sweat.

6. Bring the patient to the doctor

Visit your doctor for further treatment and ensure patients receive antibiotics such as ampicillin and amoxicillin to reduce bacterial infections.

If patients experience severe symptoms, provide intravenous fluids and soft foods, can be a strain or other porridge. Nutrition can be improved if the condition began to improve. Patients should also avoid spicy or acidic foods.

Thanks for reading my post about 7 Typhoid Symptoms and how to prevent it. If you notice the symptoms - symptoms of the above, you should immediately contact your doctor to get treatment immediately. Preventing is better than cure. Maintain the cleanliness of the environment, food and water is one of the important keys that can keep us from disease typhoid.

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