Tuesday, February 14, 2017


10 Early Signs Of Pregnancy That You Should Know


Every woman would want  a baby in her life. Before having a child, a woman will become pregnant first. The gestation period is defined as the period of a woman containing the fetus or unborn child.

Pregnancy occurs when the egg sperm cells fuses together to form a zygote or embryo that then grows and develop in the womb or uterus of a woman.

Initially the woman will suspect she was pregnant when she missed a period or cessation of menstruation is called amenorrhea. Menstruation itself occurs when the egg is fertilized by a sperm and then decays along with the blood vessels in the uterine wall.

How do the signs of pregnancy?

Many hormonal changes that occur in the body and hormonal in early pregnancy changes that trigger this reaction or symptoms of pregnancy. Although the symptoms or signs of pregnancy are different in every woman, there are some common symptoms that are usually encountered. Consider the characteristics of those pregnant following to determine whether the person is actually pregnant or not:

1. Nausea and Vomiting

Hormonal changes in early pregnancy to make the digestive system disrupted. Declining estrogen levels in women who are pregnant cause’s muscles to weaken digestion and increased levels of acid in the stomach.

One of the characteristics of a pregnant man is nausea and wants to vomit. The symptoms sometimes make women suspicious if she was pregnant and usually will test them using test pack or consult with a physician. Nonetheless, nausea or vomiting are not always caused by pregnancy, may be nausea and vomiting caused by the condition of the body that is not fit.

During pregnancy a woman also often experience morning sickness or nausea or want to vomit in the morning. These symptoms begin to appear in the fourth week until the twelfth week of pregnancy. To reduce symptoms of nausea and vomiting, follow these tips:

1. Eat smaller portions and frequent. It's better than eating large meals three times a day.
2. Consume more fluids, fruits and vegetables to facilitate the digestive process and restore normal levels of gastric acid in the body.
3. When I woke up in the morning, sit down for a moment on the edge of the bed and got up slowly.
4. Drinking ginger tea and inhale can reduce nausea and vomiting was severe.
5. If nausea and vomiting is getting worse and makes the body becomes weak, or better known as hyperemesis gravidarum, you should immediately consult the nearest doctor or medical expert

But keep in mind also that not all pregnant women experience morning sickness. As reported by top medical organizations, the Mayo Clinic states that some women who have healthy pregnancies do not experience morning sickness during pregnancy.

2. The mouth feels sour

Estrogen levels fall in the body of pregnant women and reduce the function of the sensitivity of the tongue that serves as the sense of taste. This is what causes the tongue tastes bitter or sour.

These conditions become one of the characteristics of pregnant women, where women always want to eat foods that are sweet or sour or commonly known as cravings. Based on the experience of women who were pregnant, how to solve this problem is to eat fruits that contain lots of fluids and sweet tastes like watermelon and melon.

3. Loss of appetite or no appetite

Nausea, vomiting and abdominal discomfort will make a woman pregnant loss of appetite. High levels of stomach acid in the body trigger discomfort in the stomach and make the tongue tasted bitter.

4. Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain caused by digestion running smoothly and accumulation of gas in the stomach are pressing on the abdomen.

These symptoms may also be caused by the expansion of the uterus or uterine urgent abdominal muscles as well as suppress the stomach. If the stomach pain continues, you should immediately consult a doctor or midwife nearby, because it can be detrimental to health, especially in pregnant women.

5. The burning sensation in the chest

Other signs commonly experienced by women who are pregnant are a burning sensation in the chest or throat called heartburn term.

Heartburn occurs due to declining levels of estrogen in the body and causes the muscle valve or valves that restrict the stomach to the esophagus open, allowing stomach acid to flow out until it reaches the esophagus.

The high levels of stomach acid into the esophagus can press and cause a burning sensation in the chest.To reduce these signs should follow the steps below:

1. Eat small meals often as possible
2. Avoid foods shortly before bedtime
3. Avoid consumption of spicy foods, greasy and acidic because these foods can trigger the production of excess stomach acid.
4. Sleep with a pillow that is thick enough so that the head is maintained at the top.
5. Use comfortable clothing and loose
6. Consult a doctor if the pain and burning persists.

6. Frequent belching and flatulence

As described earlier, during pregnancy, digestive woman is not functioning properly and cause excessive gas production in the stomach.

The gas generated as waste products normally excreted through the mouth and anus so that someone will be more frequent burping and flatulence.

Although these signs are more like signs of colds, if you experience it and suspect something is not right, then consult a doctor immediately because these signs could be a sign that you are pregnant.

7. Constipation

Constipation is a condition where the digestive not running smoothly and stool or hard stools that person would have a difficult defecation.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause the large intestine or colon distracted and slow down the process of spending the feces from the body.

Constipation is allowed to continue could cause piles or hemorrhoids are characterized by the presence of blood in the stool. If you experience this during pregnancy, then follow these tips:

1. Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits that are rich in fiber and capable of launching the work the gastrointestinal tract.
2. Drink water and multiply the consumption of other liquids such as fruit juice or milk, and as much as possible to avoid the consumption of soft drinks and caffeine.
3. Do light exercise like yoga and swimming to improve the condition of hormonal and keep your body fit during pregnancy.
4. Avoid supplements that contain iron for a short while because it can aggravate constipation.
5. Consuming drugs laxatives or laxative without the advice of a doctor is not recommended during pregnancy.

8. Diarrhea

Other sign that may be experienced by a woman who is pregnant is diarrhea. Diarrhea is a condition in which the body secretes stool or liquid stool that can be caused by bacteria or bacteria that enter the digestive system.

However, in pregnant women, diarrhea that occurs due to muscle the gastrointestinal tract in the colon loses its ability to absorb fluids due to hormonal changes. If allowed to continue, diarrhea can lead to dehydration and these conditions may harm the fetus.

Diarrhea can be prevented by keeping the food and the environment and consume lots of fiber and water. Do not let the protracted diarrhea, if you are experienced in early pregnancy should immediately consult a doctor.

9. Swollen belly and growling

Accumulation of residual gas or a pile of digestion in the stomach pregnant woman can make seem large or distended stomach and a noise like people who are starving or commonly referred to as stomach rumbling.

The gas that accumulates in the abdomen can cause discomfort and distress. To alleviate these signs should avoid foods that trigger gas in the stomach such as cabbage vegetables, soft drinks and beverages containing caffeine.

10. Irritability

One of the characteristics of a pregnant man is irritable. When pregnant, hormonal changes not only affect the physical condition of a woman but also affect mood and feelings.

The ups and downs and progesterone hormone levels in the body triggers the brain to produce chemical compounds that can trigger stress in a person. These symptoms are almost similar to those of people who are menstruating or experiencing PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome) where the feelings become very sensitive and easily offended. Based on research and surveys, during pregnancy, one in ten pregnant women may experience depression and stress.

However, this condition can be addressed immediately consult a doctor. Stress and depression during pregnancy is a risk to the fetus conceived.

Other pregnancy signs

These symptoms are normal and can be found in women who are pregnant and can be used as signs or characteristics of women who were pregnant. In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, there are other symptoms that may be experienced by some women in early pregnancy, such as:

1. Vaginal Bleeding

Often in early pregnancy vaginal bleeding and women regard it as menstrual blood. Actually bleeding that occurs early in pregnancy are the remnants of the blood vessels in the uterine wall which decays and is not menstrual blood.

2. Changes in the breast

Women who are pregnant will experience these symptoms. Breast size and tightens enlarged breasts are being prepared to accommodate breastfeeding or milk supplied for babies born later.

3. Aches

High levels of progesterone during pregnancy can lead to soreness in the muscles of a woman.

High progesterone levels can slow down the metabolism in the body and reduce the amount of energy produced and increase the levels of lactic acid cause soreness in the muscles.

4. Frequent urination

Women who are pregnant are usually more frequent urination. This is due to the expansion of the uterus or the uterus presses the bladder where urine accumulates.

Bladder pressure is not able to accommodate the volume of urine as usual so that pregnant women more frequent urination.

5. Itching

Other pregnancy symptoms are not much experienced is itching of the skin. The itching is very annoying and can make a pregnant woman annoyed.

That’s the characteristics of those pregnant commonly experienced in early pregnancy. These symptoms can be overcome if they maintain a diet, rest and light exercise routine. If the symptoms are not insurmountable and even more severe, consult a doctor as soon as possible before it is too late.

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