Tuesday, February 14, 2017


13 Ways to Remove Eye Bags Naturally


13 Ways to Remove Eye Bags Naturally - Having eye bags can reduce confidence. Many people think that the eye bags will only appear when you age. But in fact, someone young can experience this problem.

Eye bag usually arise due to reduced elasticity of the skin in those areas and are caused by other factors, especially lack of time resting or sleeping enough.

13 Ways to remove eye bags naturally

Nonetheless, you do not need to worry because there are some natural ingredients that can be used to eliminate the pockets on the area around the eyes. Consider some of the following to remove eye bags and try to practice it at home now:

1. Potatoes

Potatoes are one of the natural ingredients is not only commonly consumed as a food, but also efficacious to overcome skin problems including removing eye bags.

Potatoes contain Catecholase enzymes and antioxidants were able to restore the freshness of the skin and brighten the eye area. To get the properties of the potatoes, follow the steps below:

1. Place the potato pieces and rub the cleaned before the area around the eyes
2. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water
3. Do not forget to repeat this treatment every day until the eye bags disappear
4. You can also create a potato mask on grate the potatoes and mix it with honey. Apply the mask on the eye area for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.

In addition to applying directly, potato masks can also be used to compress the tired eyes by putting it on a cloth and put it on the eye area.

2. Cucumber

Astringent substances contained in cucumber can be a refreshing effect on the skin as well as eliminate the bag in the area around the eyes.

Cucumbers also contain ascorbic acid and caffeine that are proven to brighten dark skin and moisturize the skin. Additionally cucumber is known to help tighten pores and stimulate the regeneration of the skin. For how to remove bags under the eyes using cucumber, follow the steps below:

1. Chill cucumber in the refrigerator for ten minutes or more
2. Cucumber sliced ​​into a few sections
3. Put the pieces or slices of cucumber on your eyes and let it stick for approximately 25 minutes
4. For maximum results, it is advisable to perform this treatment every day.

3. Green tea

Green tea is beneficial for health and beauty. High content of antioxidants in green tea can prevent the effects of free radicals cause the skin becomes dull and causing eye bags.

Green tea is also rich in vitamin C that can stimulate the production of collagen in the skin so that it can be used to treat and remove bags under the eyes. Follow these steps to get the benefits of green tea:

. Do not waste your bag of green tea that has been used
. Keep bags of green tea that has been brewed in the refrigerator or freezer
. Compress the eyes with the green tea bag for about 15 minutes
. Do this treatment every day after the activity and before bed.

4. Apply with ice cubes

Ice cubes or cold water also can minimize the swollen eyes and helps eliminate eye bags.

The cold of the compress is placed on the eye area is efficacious reduce inflammation. This treatment is very easy and efficient to remove bags under the eyes.

The way is to soak the fabric in cold water or ice water and then put a compress on the eye socket area.

5. How to eliminate eye panda with honey

Honey is used in traditional medicine can also be used to treat eye bags.

Anti-inflammatory compounds in honey can reduce inflammation and slow the aging process of the skin. Here's how you can use to remove bags under the eyes by using honey:

. Clean the face first, then apply honey on the bottom of the eyes and leave for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.
. Make a honey mask by mixing honey with olive oil or milk, then apply on eyelids for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water and do this treatment every day on a regular basis.

6. Essence of roses

Essence of roses can reduce fatigue and inflammation of the eye that causes the appearance of eye bags.

To help cope with bags under the eyes, pour rose water on a cotton swab and apply to the area around the eyes. You can do this treatment while lying relaxed or before you go to sleep.

7. How to remove panda eyes with olive oil

Olive oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids are beneficial to health.

The fatty acids contained in olive oil are able to overcome inflammation of the eyelids as well moisturize it. Olive oil is also rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, which can tighten the skin so efficacious inhibit the aging process.

To get rid of bags under the eyes, apply a compress or cotton wool moistened with olive oil before going to bed and the next morning wash the face with warm water. Do this treatment routinely to obtain optimal results and ensure that you use olive oil is pure olive oil.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

The content of malic acid in apple cider vinegar can be used to reduce inflammation in the eye area.

Care to remove bags under the eyes by using apple cider vinegar is also very easy, simply by applying it to the area around the eyes using cotton. Let stand for about 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

9. How to remove bags under the eyes with Yogurt

Yogurt is a dairy product that has previously been fermented by adding the aid of bacteria lactobacillus sp or lactic streptococcus.

Yogurt contains nutrients, proteins and vitamins to reduce puffy eyes and prevent eye bags. The lactic acids contained in yogurt are also efficacious to reduce inflammation and restore skin firmness. To remove bags under the eyes by using yogurt, follow these steps:

1. Mix yogurt with honey or lemon juice to taste
2. Apply the mixture on the area around the eyes and leave for more than 15 minutes.
3. Rinse with warm water.
4. Perform this treatment at least 2 to 3 times a week.

10. Lemon

Lemon is a natural material that is known to have skin lightening effect. Vitamin C and ascorbic acid contained in the lemon juice can overcome inflammation of the skin and stimulating the formation of new skin cells, especially in the area around the eye socket.

To get the properties, just rub lemon juice on the area around the eyes using a cotton swab and let stand for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water.

If you have Sensitive skin should avoid using lemon in the area of ​​facial skin because it can trigger inflammatory reactions and makes the skin becomes red.

11. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one herb that has anti-inflammatory and soothing the skin.

Aloe Vera gels contain substances that can reduce inflammation in the skin and brighten skin in the area of ​​eye bags. Apply aloe vera gel around the eyes and let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and do the treatment every day for eye bags quickly disappeared.

12. Orange peel

Powdered orange peel is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants can be used as a mask to reduce the inflammation and the sac that appeared in the area around the eyes.

This powder can be obtained by drying the orange peel and grind in a food processor or blender. Combine orange peel powder with honey or lemon juice to form a paste.

Apply the paste on the area around the eyes and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and repeat 2 to 3 times a week.

13. How to remove bags under the eyes with eggs

Egg whites contain amino acids and protein as well as vitamins and minerals that can help eliminate bags under the eyes as well trigger skin cell turnover.

This is the way to eliminate bags around the eyes using egg whites:

1. Separate the white yolk
2. Beat the egg whites for 5 minutes
3. Apply egg white mask on eye bags and leave to dry
4. Rinse with warm water

Do this treatment every day for two weeks in a row to get optimal results.

Simple tips to prevent eye bags

In addition to using natural materials above, there are some tips that can be done to prevent and reduce eye puffiness, including the following:

1. Get enough rest

Lack of sleep is a major cause of bags under the eyes, so if you do not want to have eye bags or exacerbate them, sufficient rest.

Go to bed early 7 to 8 hours every night and avoid late nights when not needed.

2. Drink lots of water

The body is hydrated or have fluid levels in the body are well reflected in the condition of the skin. Consume plenty of fluids every day can reduce the risk of the emergence of pockets on the eye area.

Water also can help remove harmful substances or toxins in the body that can cause a variety of problems, especially for the skin.

3. Reduce consumption of salt

Excessive salt consumption can hold water in the body and make your skin dry.

Too many foods with high enough levels of salt can worsen the condition of eye puffiness. If you consume such foods, drink enough water everyday because water can help the body remove excess salt is not needed from the bloodstream.

4. Often exercise

Exercise and activity can help remove bags under the eyes. With exercise, the body can increase blood flow to the skin, especially around the eye area will get enough oxygen and nutrients.

Exercising can also trigger excretion or spending the rest of substances or toxins in the body through the pores of the skin.

5. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are high. Compounds in fruits and vegetables are able to maintain skin elasticity and firmness and prevent radical effects on the skin that cause the appearance of eye bags.

Although it will takes time to see results from the use of natural materials above but the ways above worth a try because of natural materials usually have no side effects when used. Try and prove himself several ways to eliminate eye bags described above.

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