Sunday, February 12, 2017


Common Symptoms of Dengue Fever and How to Prevent it


Dengue hemorrhagic fever or Dengue fever is also known as is one of the infectious diseases that usually occur during the rainy season. Dengue fever is caused by infection with one of the four dengue viruses (type 1, 2, 3, and 4) of the Flaviviridae family that is spread through the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

Dengue is characterized by low levels of platelets or platelets in the body. This is caused by the dengue virus attacks the bone marrow that producing platelets. Platelet levels in patients with dengue fever less than 100,000. Low platelets causes the blood cannot maintain its viscosity so that the blood can exit through the pores - pores of the skin and inflict bleeding.

Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO), dengue is one disease that is fatal and has a mortality rate that is high enough, i.e., with 30 deaths among 100 cases. Dengue fever is categorized as a disease of the most contagious and spreads in the world.

In 2007, the number of cases of dengue fever in Indonesia reached 150,000, with 25,000 cases reported from Jakarta and West Java. The case is the highest figure ever recorded in the history of the transmission of dengue fever in the world.

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are many living in the neighborhood with a tropical climate, which is why Indonesia became one of the countries most at risk of contracting dengue fever. Below is a table of dengue fever patients in the range of 1955-2007.

The data show the number of dengue fever patients is increasing every year. The increase in the number of cases of dengue fever patients, especially in Indonesia is usually due to the slow handling of cases of dengue fever because of difficulties in determining the diagnosis based on the symptoms.
Symptoms of Dengue Fever

If the Aedes aegypti mosquito sucks the blood of a person, he will transfer the dengue virus into the body of the person. Furthermore, the virus that enters the body will undergo an incubation period of 3-10 days. At first, most of the dengue patients just do not show any symptoms or only slight fever initially.

Symptoms of dengue fever are sometimes difficult to recognize and often doctors misdiagnose the symptoms as other diseases such as typhoid. In order for dengue fever patients do not experience delays in treatment, it helps us to recognize the symptoms - specific symptoms caused by infection with the dengue virus. Here are the symptoms that are commonly experienced by patients with dengue fever:

Symptoms of dengue fever

1. High fever

Fever is one indication of a person experienced a disruption in the body, including the current dengue virus infects a person's body. In fact, a fever is a natural mechanism of resistance as a sign that the body is providing resistance to pathogen infection. The body will increase the maximum temperature to kill pathogenic viruses or bacteria that enter the body.

In patients with dengue fever will occur in several phases which are usually known as phase saddle. In the first phase, usually occurs in three days after the incubation period. Patients will experience a high fever until the body temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius.

In the second phase of the fever is going down, but even though the fever down, this phase is critical and dangerous phase because usually the patient or his family would think he had been cured and cause delay in handling dengue fever.

The third phase is the healing phase where the body back has a high fever and platelet levels begin to rise.

2. Headaches

Dengue fever patients also often experience severe headaches. Headache is one of the signs or symptoms of a disease caused by a viral infection.

When the body is infected with a virus, the immune system will produce interferon and other chemicals that can trigger the onset of pain in the head.

3. Nausea

Other symptoms caused by dengue virus infection are nausea or in medical terms is called nausea. When the virus infects the body, usually the stomach will secrete more stomach acid as an immune response. Acid reflux can cause nausea and feeling like throwing up.

4. Upset stomach

Dengue fever patients will also experience abdominal pain that comes from injuries caused by an infection in the gut. Usually dengue fever patients will only feel the pain in the abdomen before bleeding.

5. Vomiting

As was mentioned earlier, that the dengue virus infection can increase the levels of acid in the stomach that cause nausea and vomiting.

6. Muscle Pain

As with malaria, muscle pain is also one of the symptoms of dengue fever. When the body is infected with a virus, the immune system will produce cytokines, histamine and other proteins to counteract the damage and defeat the infection. However, the levels of these substances if it is too high can cause pain in the muscles, especially in patients with dengue fever.

7. The spots or rash Red

Fever, headache, and rash are the three main symptoms of dengue fever. A red rash usually appears on the patient's skin when the body is in the first phase of a high fever.

The rash usually appears in areas of the face, neck and chest which can then spread to other parts of the body.

8. Diarrhea

Diarrhea can be one of the symptoms of dengue virus infection, although rare patients with dengue fever were meet  these symptoms. Based on the research, there are only 6% of dengue patients experiencing diarrhea.

Dengue virus infection can cause problems with digestion and absorption of water in the large intestine so that the dengue fever patients have diarrhea.

9. Bleeding Gums

Known dengue fever because it can cause bleeding in some parts of the body, one of which is gum. When the body is infected with dengue virus, blood vessels become very vulnerable and can be easily broken due to the low permeability of the blood vessel walls.

Dengue fever patients are usually advised not to brush their teeth, or touch the gums with a toothpick.

If a person experiences one or more of the above symptoms, it is better to immediately visit a doctor to get the appropriate handler. At the time of onset of fever, the patient should be given paracetamol or other drugs fever reliever. Avoid giving aspirin or dispirin in patients who have a fever due to dengue virus infection.

Keep in mind that it is important for patients to always keep the fluid levels in the body by drinking enough water or ion solution. Keep the patient gets enough rest to speed up the healing process.

DHF prevention you can do

Prevention of dengue outbreaks can be done by keeping the environment where you live. As for the other things you should do to combat dengue in the following manner:

1. Close the water reservoirs

This is intended to prevent mosquitoes from entering the basin. As you know that the bath is one of the favorite places of mosquitoes to lay eggs.

2. Use insecticides

If a mosquito is already laying in the bathtub and emerging mosquito larvae in the water, use of abate powder that serves as an insecticide or insect repellent.

3. Breeding a small fish

Breeding the little fish you can apply to prevent mosquitoes from breeding. The fish will eat mosquito larvae present in water bath.

4. Discard unused bottles

Discard the bottle or container that has been unused in the trash. Bottles and containers scattered be flooded, especially during the rainy season, so that mosquitoes can breed in the puddle.

5. Clean the gutters

Sewers or drains dirty also the breeding places of mosquitoes. Clean the drains regularly to prevent mosquito breeding. Do not let the garbage strewn in the gutters of your house, because it makes the stagnant water and become mosquito breeding.

6. Use mosquito repellent

Using repellents that have been circulating in the market proved powerful enough to repel mosquitoes. Suppose there is irritation on your skin, immediately stop doing the mosquito repellent.

7. Use long sleeves

Wearing long sleeves effective enough to protect yourself from mosquito bites that can cause dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF).

8. Use mosquito trap

Replace the mosquito trap that could kill and repel mosquitoes from your home or room where you live. You can also use anti-mosquito spray that you can spray in several rooms of your house.

9. Install mosquito nets in a crib

Protect your babies and toddlers from mosquito bites by installing netting around the bed. Mosquito nets to prevent mosquitoes from entering the bed and bit the baby.

10. Do not leave the windows are always open

Make sure the windows are always closed, because the windows and ventilation holes of other home is the entry of mosquitoes. If the home has no ventilation, install nets to prevent mosquitoes from entering easily into the home.

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