Wednesday, March 1, 2017


10 Hidden Benefits of Green Tea for Health

Green tea has been used in medicine since thousands of years ago. Research in recent decades indicates that green tea contains antioxidants that are high enough.

Green tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. This drink was originally comes from China. Unlike the black tea that often we consume green tea in its manufacture is not fermented. As a result, it contains higher antioxidant that is beneficial to health.

Antioxidants have uses to fight free radicals that roam in our body. Free radical that can damage and even kill cells of the body, which can lead to cancer, premature aging, dementia, and other dangerous diseases.

What is the actual content of green tea?

Green tea has bioactive compounds beneficial for health. Call it as catechins. He has many times the power than vitamin C and vitamin E in halting oxidative damage to body cells.

In addition, green tea also contains vitamin B, folic acid, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and caffeine which are useful for our body. So, actually what is the benefit of green tea is it? Come see the full review below.

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Benefits of green tea for health

 1. Lowering cholesterol and heart disease risk

We know cholesterol and heart disease are two diseases that cannot be separated. High cholesterol can result in slow blood circulation that leads to narrowing of the arteries, freezing, up to a heart attack.

Studies concluded that green tea is good for lowering bad cholesterol levels and were able to raise good cholesterol. Results of another study stated that the polyphenols present in green tea may be able to block the cholesterol absorbed by the intestine as well get rid of it.

Several other studies showed that the content of antioxidants in green tea also has the possibility effectively to prevent constriction of blood vessels, particularly in patients with coronary artery disease.

2. Against Cancer

The researchers revealed that the polyphenol content has a role in killing cancer cells while stopping growth. In laboratory experiments conducted on animals, the content of polyphenols in green tea may reduce tumor growth.

For women, consuming green tea regularly will be very good to lower the risk of ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. As for men, green tea may be useful for preventing prostate cancer is usually a lot of attacking when entering old age.

3. Preventing diabetes

Benefits of green tea for health
Type II diabetes, including diseases that have a lot of attacking humans in recent decades. Currently patients with type II diabetes have reached 300 million worldwide. And unfortunately, this figure continues to increase over time.

Diabetes mellitus occurs due to increased blood sugar levels followed by insulin resistance. Several studies have shown, green tea consumption may improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels.

A study in Japan showed that those who drank green tea regularly had a 42% lower risk of developing diabetes type II. Plus according to a review seven studies with a total of 286 701 people, green tea drinkers had 18% lower risk of diabetes.

Bottom line: some of these trials have proven that green tea can cause a mild decrease in blood sugar levels. Well this is to reduce the risk of long-term diabetes II.

4. Lose weight

Green tea can help improve the body's metabolism. So it would be very sensible if he could lose weight. Several studies have shown, green tea can reduce body fat, especially in the abdominal area.

One was a study conducted on 240 men and women randomized for 12 weeks, concluding that those who consumed green tea had a significant reduction in the body, whether it is fat percentage, weight, waist circumference and abdominal fat.

Thus, green tea is very suitable for you who are on a diet. But do not forget to do exercise regularly for optimal results.

5. Stabilize blood pressure

The actual benefits of green tea related blood pressure is still uncertain. There are studies that prove he is helpful to raise blood pressure. While on the other hand, some studies conclude precisely this drink can lower blood pressure.

But clearly, green tea contains potassium, which in essence can stabilize blood pressure. Whether you have hypertension (high blood pressure) or hypotension (low blood), tea consumption may help stabilize them.

6. Protect your heart

Benefits of green tea for health
According to experts predicted green tea may help protect the liver from damage caused by toxic compounds that enter the body, such as alcohol. Meanwhile, a study involving rats showed that green tea can fight liver tumors.

Levels of catechins in green tea are also suspected to help cure diseases caused by viral hepatitis. Unfortunately, the levels of catechins, which required quite a lot of levels in green tea, while not known for sure, thus requiring further research.

7. Improve brain function and make us smarter

Green tea is one of caffeinated beverages such as coffee. But you do not need to worry, because the content of caffeine in these drinks is not as high as the coffee. Caffeine green tea will work in synergy with the amino acid L-theanine to improve brain function.

In addition, appropriate amounts of caffeine can improve performance neurotransmitter levels, so that the memory and reflexes of our brain for the better. There have been many who claim to be more productive after consuming green tea.

8. Prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

Green tea not only improves brain function, but also protect them from dangerous diseases. Call it like Alzheimer's and Parkinson damaging parts of the brain's neurons. Usually the two diseases are attacked when a person older than 50 years.

Some studies show that the compound catechin contained in green tea is protective in protecting brain neurons. Thus, consuming green tea regularly can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson when we are elderly later.

9. Maintaining healthy teeth and lower the risk of infection

Still the compound catechin or catechin. According to some studies, these compounds can help kill bacteria and inhibit the growth of viruses that cause infection.

When consumed regularly, then green tea can kill bacteria and viruses in our mouths. This is why many experts concluded green tea is very good for preventing dental caries and bad breath.

10. Make us longevity

Benefits of green tea for health
Of course all living things will die. However, given the green tea drinkers have a lower risk of cancer and heart disease, it certainly makes sense when one drinks can add to our age.

In a Japanese study involving 40 530 adults, those who consumed green tea (2-3 cups per day) experienced a significantly lower risk of death within a period of 11 years, than those who do not eat at all. Great!

Interested to try green tea?

To get all the benefits of green tea over consume on a regular basis are not enough guys. From now you also have to adopt a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and sleep regularly for optimal results.

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