Monday, March 13, 2017


What is meant by Diabetes Mellitus or diabetes

What Is Diabetes
What Is Diabetes

Looks like Diabetes is becoming more popular in today's times. The numbers of people with diabetes are getting increasing worldwide. The most terrible of these diseases is diabetes cannot be cured. Because a lot of the news I heard that diabetics free from diabetes using herbal therapy. Obviously this is good news for people with the following diabetes. This post based on various sources regarding diabetes, hhopefully this article helpful.

1. What is meant by Diabetes Mellitus or diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease in which the body cannot produce insulin (a hormone regulating blood sugar) or produced insufficient insulin or the insulin is not working properly. Therefore, it will cause blood sugar to rise when examined.

People with diabetes have high blood sugar levels. This is because the pancreas cannot produce insulin or muscle, fat and liver cells do not respond to insulin normally, or both. Mistra create perfect analogy to describe it in ‘3Ways to fight Diabetes Mellitus’. Mistra analogize the hormone insulin as a city public transport drivers. If the mass strike the city transports drivers, people would gather on the edge of the road waiting for transport services. The person (passengers) is described as the sugar in the blood. If insulin is absent or few in number, the sugar in the blood cannot be transported to spread throughout the blood vessels.

In general, the intake of sugar in the blood is stored in the liver. Here is processed into glycogen. If the body needs, the liver will issue and process back into glucose. For the normal, no matter how much sugar consumption does not interfere with the body's organs.

The diabetic is different from normal people. Usually their urine, water is rather thick and sweet. This is because the amount of sugar in the blood. Sugar is cleaned and collected in the bladder by the kidneys.
There are two types of major types of diabetes are:

Type 1 diabetes
A situation in which the body is completely unable to produce insulin. So patients must use insulin injections to regulate their blood sugar. Most sufferers are children and adolescents.

Diabetes Type 2
Occurs because the body does not produce enough insulin or because insulin cannot be used properly (insulin resistance). This type is the most suffered at this time (90% more), often occur in those aged over 40 years, obese and have a family history of diabetes. Most people do not realize had been suffering from Type 2 diabetes, although the situation has become very serious. Diabetes type 2 has become pervasive in the world and in Indonesia, and the numbers continue to grow as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, overweight and lazy to exercise.

2. How to know whether we suffer from diabetes or not?

Diabetes Type 1:
+ Thirst often
+ Frequent urination
+ Body weight continues to fall, but the appetite kept high
+ Fatigue
+ Nausea
+ Vomiting

Diabetes Type 2:
+ Fast hunger and thirst
+ Frequent urination, especially at night
+ Easy tired, often feel sleepy.
+ Blurred vision
+ Frequent tingling, especially in the feet and hands
+ Losing weight fast without any effort
+ Rashes in the genital area outside
+ The sexual arousal decreases and tends to impotence
+ If an infection, a long recovery.

The symptoms above are common, but in some people the symptoms often are not found at all. To be sure, the necessary blood examination in the laboratory.

3. Who can suffer from Diabetes?

Diabetes can happen to everyone. But for those who have a family history of diabetes, are more likely to suffer from diabetes. In addition to family history, other risk factors are those who have excess weight (fat), high cholesterol (diet is not good), hypertension and lack of physical activity. Those over the age of 40 years accompanied by obesity will increase the risk for diabetes.

Many risk factors for diabetes, including:
+ Father or mother, brother or women who suffer from diabetes (heredity)
+ Overweight
+ Age over 45 years
+ Gestational diabetes or giving birth to a baby weighing more than 4 kg
+ High blood pressure
+ Figures triglycerides (a type of fat molecule) high
+ High cholesterol levels
+ The modern lifestyle that tends to consume a lot of instant food.
+ Smokers
+ Stress

4. How to make sure Diabetes or not?

Diabetes diagnosis is obtained when the examination results were found as follows:
+ Fasting blood sugar greater than or equal to 126 mg / dl
+ Random blood sugar greater than or equal to 200 mg / dl
+ Blood sugar 2 hours after administration of 75 gram glucose solution gives results greater than or equal to 200 mg / dl
When a person has typical symptoms of Diabetes (urinating a lot, a lot of drinking, a lot of eating, weight loss fast and weakness), then the results of the examination once the above have determined the person is suffering from diabetes.
But if there are no typical symptoms, it takes twice the above checks to confirm the diagnosis of Diabetes.

5. What is Pre Diabetes is it?

Pre Diabetes is a condition where blood sugar is higher than normal but not yet high enough to be classified as diabetes.

They are included in the category Pre Diabetes, high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later in life, unless they have a healthy life by reducing excess weight and active in sports.

Someone put in a category Pre Diabetes in conditions without eating but their blood sugar ranges between 100-125 mg / dl.

Blood sugar 2 hours after administration of 75 g glucose solution (to the oral glucose tolerance test) ranged between 140-199 mg / dl

6. What is the complications diabetes can occur?

This is one important reason why patients need to control their blood sugar. Due to poor blood sugar control, the patient will experience long-term complications, such as stroke, heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, diseases of the blood vessels and nerve damage that can lead to amputation of the limbs and in men with erectile problems can occur.

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