Tuesday, February 28, 2017


14 Simple Ways To Preventing Body Odor

14 Simple Ways To Preventing Body Odor - Body odor certainly made us feel very uncomfortable. It can interfere with the activity and often can destroy our social life.

Moreover, people around us are definitely going to feel uncomfortable and disturbed by the unpleasant aroma that comes out of our bodies.

Sources of body odor that arise are usually derived from the production of excessive sweating, underarms, and legs. To eliminate this odor, many people who use perfume in order to become fragrant smell of his body. But in reality, perfume can only be a temporary solution.

Once the perfume was missing, we will begin to body odor smell back. Therefore, it most needs to be done to eliminate body odor effectively is by controlling the source. Here are some ways to eliminate body odor that you can try:

1. Wipe the sweat as much as possible

One of the causes of body odor is the presence of excessive perspiration that accumulates. Sweat this creates moist conditions on the skin so that it becomes a good place for bacteria growth, especially if the skin is tightly sealed by clothing and are not exposed to the outside air.

These bacteria will secrete compounds that cause the unpleasant body odor. Therefore, wipes the sweat as much as possible with a tissue, handkerchief or towel dry to prevent bacteria that cause body odor live and nest.

2. Wear clothes that can absorb sweat well

Clothes like these are usually made of cotton. This will make the sweat does not continue to stick to the body so that the growth of bacteria that cause body odor can be prevented.

3. Shower with antibacterial soap

Bathe regularly morning and evening using antibacterial soap containing triclosan active compound. This compound will help kill germs / bacteria attached to the skin of the body.

Rub with the patient, especially in the armpits and between toes where the source of body odor is most often arise. You are also advised to undergo a shower after activity or exercise that makes your body secrete excessive sweating.

Given the nature of antibacterial soaps tend to throw away dry skin; it is also advisable to use lotion after a shower. This will help keep your skin soft and deodorize your body.

4. Change your socks every day

Make sure you change your socks every day to eliminate the source of body odor comes from the legs.

Socks are not replaced will make your feet moist and become a perfect place for the growth of bacteria and fungi that can cause a bad odor. Also, make sure your feet are completely dry before you put on socks or shoes.

5. Soak feet in a solution of salt

One cause of the smell that comes from the foot due to fungi or bacteria attached on the sidelines of the foot. Therefore, every afternoon of your feet soak in warm water that has been given a mixture of salt.

This will make the growth of odor-causing bacteria and fungi can be prevented. Another benefit of this method is to keep your feet dry conditions and do not absorb moisture.

6. Use anti-perspirant

Before you move, use anti-perspirant on your body, especially in the armpits and between the toes. At first glance similar to the anti-perspirant deodorant, but it turns out both of them have different properties.

Anti perspirant containing the active ingredients mainly aluminum substances that can inhibit sweating, while the deodorant contains purely refreshing and gives the fragrance on your body.

However, we have made many deodorant products which also double as an anti-perspirant. Therefore, you need to be careful in choosing the deodorant that you will use.

7. Apply lemon juice

In addition to refreshing fragrance, lemon juice has a compound as an antibacterial agent that can kill and inhibit the growth of bacteria on the skin that cause body odor.

1. Take one lemon and take the juice.
2. Apply the juice of lemon, especially in the armpits and between the toes.
3. Let stand for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with clean water.
4. Do these 2 days to permanently eliminate body odor.

8. Use baking soda

Baking soda can use to eliminate body odor because it is reliable in absorbing sweat and kill bacteria that cause body odor.

1. Take 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
2. Mix with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
3. Apply the mixture on areas of the body that are often excessive sweating, especially in the underarm area.
4. Let stand for 5-10 minutes (do not rub).
5. Rinse using clean water.

Do this regularly 1x a day before the shower for a few weeks to get maximum results.
Japanese mask

9. Use apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an agent of the killer bacteria that cause body odor is the most potent. Apple cider vinegar works by keeping the body's pH balance of the skin so that bacteria cannot live there. There are 3 ways to use apple cider vinegar to eliminate body odor, including:

A. Applying apple cider vinegar on the skin that sweats.
The trick: Pour apple cider vinegar on cotton and dab on areas of the body that is often sweating, for example armpits. Let stand for 2-3 minutes, then rinse while continuing to shower. You can do this way 2x a day before showering.

B. Bath with cider vinegar.
How: Add 1 cup (250ml) of apple cider vinegar into a bathtub filled with water that has been warmly. Use it to soak for about 30 minutes. Do it this way two days until your body odor disappeared.

C. Drinking cider vinegar.
Besides being used for external use, you can also drink apple cider vinegar to eliminate body odor from the inside.

The trick: Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with honey in a glass of warm water. Drink this concoction 2x a day. In addition to your body odor disappears, your body will feel more refreshed.

10. Wearing Rosemary flowers

Rosemary is a flower or plant that is often used as herbal ingredients, good for a mix of cuisine, tea, or certain health products. In eliminating body odor, rosemary contains menthol and chlorophyll to neutralize unpleasant body odor and provide a refreshing fragrance.

In addition, this flower also contains antioxidants that can inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause body odor.

1. Take 1 cup of rosemary leaves, then drain.
2. Once dry, mix in 4 cups of hot water and let dissolve for 10 minutes.
3. Add the rosemary solution into your bath and let stand for 15-20 minutes before use.
4. Wash with a mixture of rosemary, every day until your body odor disappeared.

In addition, you also can apply directly rosemary essential oil products sold in the market as a natural deodorant for your underarms.

11. Eat green vegetables

Eat green vegetables such as spinach; kale and celery are rich in chlorophyll to get rid of your body odor. Chlorophyll content in these vegetables can be an effective natural deodorant to remove smell of your body.

Additionally, you can also drink water boiled celery to get a more potent effect in eliminating body odor.

How: Mix 1 teaspoon finely chopped celery into 1 cup of hot water and stirs for 5 minutes, then drink after water was warm.

12. Limit your intake of certain foods

Certain foods can cause body odor less unpleasant. Such foods include: onions, banana, red meat, and canned foods with high sugar content.

In addition, caffeinated beverages can also cause body odor. Therefore, it is advised not to consume them in large numbers and too often.

13. Avoid stress

In one study states that stress can trigger excessive sweating by the apocrine glands which can cause body odor. Feelings of anxiety and anger that continuously also trigger these glands.

Therefore, avoid stress and make the management of the stress you are experiencing. You can do meditation for 15 minutes every day and also sports yoga.

14. Consult your doctor

If all of the above have to do and you still have a body odor and excessive sweating, you need to consult these conditions on a doctor.

Some conditions such as hyper-reaction of the thyroid gland can cause you to sweat excessively.

Additionally, you may be diagnosed with bromhidrosis disorder is a condition in which a person has a pungent body odor. Your doctor will give you some herb anti-perspirant with a certain level in dealing with your body odor.

Tips on using deodorant, anti-perspirant, and perfumes

If you prefer to use anti-perspirant, deodorant or perfume as a way to remove the smell of your body, you should consider some of the following tips:

1. Do not combine deodorant, anti-perspirant and perfumes at one time in the same place. This can cause a bad odor.
2. Avoid wearing perfume directly on the armpit because it can cause irritation and redness. Moreover, the perfume will only make the sweat has more strange smell.
3. Select which contains anti perspirant deodorant. It would be more effective in driving the body odor.
4. Always observe skin changes that occur when using deodorant, anti-perspirant, as well as perfumes. If the skin even becomes red, itchy, sore or inflamed, discontinue use immediately. This marks your skin is sensitive to these products.

Some ways to eliminate body odor has been described in detail above. In addition to some of the natural ingredients that have been mentioned above, there are some other plants that you can use to eliminate body odor like plant Witch Hazel and Sage.

But unfortunately, the plant was difficult to be found in Indonesia and only found abroad. Hopefully by doing the ways above diligently, you can be free of unpleasant body odor.

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