Monday, March 13, 2017


What is meant by Diabetes Mellitus or diabetes

What Is Diabetes
What Is Diabetes

Looks like Diabetes is becoming more popular in today's times. The numbers of people with diabetes are getting increasing worldwide. The most terrible of these diseases is diabetes cannot be cured. Because a lot of the news I heard that diabetics free from diabetes using herbal therapy. Obviously this is good news for people with the following diabetes. This post based on various sources regarding diabetes, hhopefully this article helpful.

1. What is meant by Diabetes Mellitus or diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease in which the body cannot produce insulin (a hormone regulating blood sugar) or produced insufficient insulin or the insulin is not working properly. Therefore, it will cause blood sugar to rise when examined.

People with diabetes have high blood sugar levels. This is because the pancreas cannot produce insulin or muscle, fat and liver cells do not respond to insulin normally, or both. Mistra create perfect analogy to describe it in ‘3Ways to fight Diabetes Mellitus’. Mistra analogize the hormone insulin as a city public transport drivers. If the mass strike the city transports drivers, people would gather on the edge of the road waiting for transport services. The person (passengers) is described as the sugar in the blood. If insulin is absent or few in number, the sugar in the blood cannot be transported to spread throughout the blood vessels.

In general, the intake of sugar in the blood is stored in the liver. Here is processed into glycogen. If the body needs, the liver will issue and process back into glucose. For the normal, no matter how much sugar consumption does not interfere with the body's organs.

The diabetic is different from normal people. Usually their urine, water is rather thick and sweet. This is because the amount of sugar in the blood. Sugar is cleaned and collected in the bladder by the kidneys.
There are two types of major types of diabetes are:

Type 1 diabetes
A situation in which the body is completely unable to produce insulin. So patients must use insulin injections to regulate their blood sugar. Most sufferers are children and adolescents.

Diabetes Type 2
Occurs because the body does not produce enough insulin or because insulin cannot be used properly (insulin resistance). This type is the most suffered at this time (90% more), often occur in those aged over 40 years, obese and have a family history of diabetes. Most people do not realize had been suffering from Type 2 diabetes, although the situation has become very serious. Diabetes type 2 has become pervasive in the world and in Indonesia, and the numbers continue to grow as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, overweight and lazy to exercise.

2. How to know whether we suffer from diabetes or not?

Diabetes Type 1:
+ Thirst often
+ Frequent urination
+ Body weight continues to fall, but the appetite kept high
+ Fatigue
+ Nausea
+ Vomiting

Diabetes Type 2:
+ Fast hunger and thirst
+ Frequent urination, especially at night
+ Easy tired, often feel sleepy.
+ Blurred vision
+ Frequent tingling, especially in the feet and hands
+ Losing weight fast without any effort
+ Rashes in the genital area outside
+ The sexual arousal decreases and tends to impotence
+ If an infection, a long recovery.

The symptoms above are common, but in some people the symptoms often are not found at all. To be sure, the necessary blood examination in the laboratory.

3. Who can suffer from Diabetes?

Diabetes can happen to everyone. But for those who have a family history of diabetes, are more likely to suffer from diabetes. In addition to family history, other risk factors are those who have excess weight (fat), high cholesterol (diet is not good), hypertension and lack of physical activity. Those over the age of 40 years accompanied by obesity will increase the risk for diabetes.

Many risk factors for diabetes, including:
+ Father or mother, brother or women who suffer from diabetes (heredity)
+ Overweight
+ Age over 45 years
+ Gestational diabetes or giving birth to a baby weighing more than 4 kg
+ High blood pressure
+ Figures triglycerides (a type of fat molecule) high
+ High cholesterol levels
+ The modern lifestyle that tends to consume a lot of instant food.
+ Smokers
+ Stress

4. How to make sure Diabetes or not?

Diabetes diagnosis is obtained when the examination results were found as follows:
+ Fasting blood sugar greater than or equal to 126 mg / dl
+ Random blood sugar greater than or equal to 200 mg / dl
+ Blood sugar 2 hours after administration of 75 gram glucose solution gives results greater than or equal to 200 mg / dl
When a person has typical symptoms of Diabetes (urinating a lot, a lot of drinking, a lot of eating, weight loss fast and weakness), then the results of the examination once the above have determined the person is suffering from diabetes.
But if there are no typical symptoms, it takes twice the above checks to confirm the diagnosis of Diabetes.

5. What is Pre Diabetes is it?

Pre Diabetes is a condition where blood sugar is higher than normal but not yet high enough to be classified as diabetes.

They are included in the category Pre Diabetes, high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later in life, unless they have a healthy life by reducing excess weight and active in sports.

Someone put in a category Pre Diabetes in conditions without eating but their blood sugar ranges between 100-125 mg / dl.

Blood sugar 2 hours after administration of 75 g glucose solution (to the oral glucose tolerance test) ranged between 140-199 mg / dl

6. What is the complications diabetes can occur?

This is one important reason why patients need to control their blood sugar. Due to poor blood sugar control, the patient will experience long-term complications, such as stroke, heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, diseases of the blood vessels and nerve damage that can lead to amputation of the limbs and in men with erectile problems can occur.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


10 Hidden Benefits of Green Tea for Health

Green tea has been used in medicine since thousands of years ago. Research in recent decades indicates that green tea contains antioxidants that are high enough.

Green tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. This drink was originally comes from China. Unlike the black tea that often we consume green tea in its manufacture is not fermented. As a result, it contains higher antioxidant that is beneficial to health.

Antioxidants have uses to fight free radicals that roam in our body. Free radical that can damage and even kill cells of the body, which can lead to cancer, premature aging, dementia, and other dangerous diseases.

What is the actual content of green tea?

Green tea has bioactive compounds beneficial for health. Call it as catechins. He has many times the power than vitamin C and vitamin E in halting oxidative damage to body cells.

In addition, green tea also contains vitamin B, folic acid, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and caffeine which are useful for our body. So, actually what is the benefit of green tea is it? Come see the full review below.

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Benefits of green tea for health

 1. Lowering cholesterol and heart disease risk

We know cholesterol and heart disease are two diseases that cannot be separated. High cholesterol can result in slow blood circulation that leads to narrowing of the arteries, freezing, up to a heart attack.

Studies concluded that green tea is good for lowering bad cholesterol levels and were able to raise good cholesterol. Results of another study stated that the polyphenols present in green tea may be able to block the cholesterol absorbed by the intestine as well get rid of it.

Several other studies showed that the content of antioxidants in green tea also has the possibility effectively to prevent constriction of blood vessels, particularly in patients with coronary artery disease.

2. Against Cancer

The researchers revealed that the polyphenol content has a role in killing cancer cells while stopping growth. In laboratory experiments conducted on animals, the content of polyphenols in green tea may reduce tumor growth.

For women, consuming green tea regularly will be very good to lower the risk of ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. As for men, green tea may be useful for preventing prostate cancer is usually a lot of attacking when entering old age.

3. Preventing diabetes

Benefits of green tea for health
Type II diabetes, including diseases that have a lot of attacking humans in recent decades. Currently patients with type II diabetes have reached 300 million worldwide. And unfortunately, this figure continues to increase over time.

Diabetes mellitus occurs due to increased blood sugar levels followed by insulin resistance. Several studies have shown, green tea consumption may improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels.

A study in Japan showed that those who drank green tea regularly had a 42% lower risk of developing diabetes type II. Plus according to a review seven studies with a total of 286 701 people, green tea drinkers had 18% lower risk of diabetes.

Bottom line: some of these trials have proven that green tea can cause a mild decrease in blood sugar levels. Well this is to reduce the risk of long-term diabetes II.

4. Lose weight

Green tea can help improve the body's metabolism. So it would be very sensible if he could lose weight. Several studies have shown, green tea can reduce body fat, especially in the abdominal area.

One was a study conducted on 240 men and women randomized for 12 weeks, concluding that those who consumed green tea had a significant reduction in the body, whether it is fat percentage, weight, waist circumference and abdominal fat.

Thus, green tea is very suitable for you who are on a diet. But do not forget to do exercise regularly for optimal results.

5. Stabilize blood pressure

The actual benefits of green tea related blood pressure is still uncertain. There are studies that prove he is helpful to raise blood pressure. While on the other hand, some studies conclude precisely this drink can lower blood pressure.

But clearly, green tea contains potassium, which in essence can stabilize blood pressure. Whether you have hypertension (high blood pressure) or hypotension (low blood), tea consumption may help stabilize them.

6. Protect your heart

Benefits of green tea for health
According to experts predicted green tea may help protect the liver from damage caused by toxic compounds that enter the body, such as alcohol. Meanwhile, a study involving rats showed that green tea can fight liver tumors.

Levels of catechins in green tea are also suspected to help cure diseases caused by viral hepatitis. Unfortunately, the levels of catechins, which required quite a lot of levels in green tea, while not known for sure, thus requiring further research.

7. Improve brain function and make us smarter

Green tea is one of caffeinated beverages such as coffee. But you do not need to worry, because the content of caffeine in these drinks is not as high as the coffee. Caffeine green tea will work in synergy with the amino acid L-theanine to improve brain function.

In addition, appropriate amounts of caffeine can improve performance neurotransmitter levels, so that the memory and reflexes of our brain for the better. There have been many who claim to be more productive after consuming green tea.

8. Prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

Green tea not only improves brain function, but also protect them from dangerous diseases. Call it like Alzheimer's and Parkinson damaging parts of the brain's neurons. Usually the two diseases are attacked when a person older than 50 years.

Some studies show that the compound catechin contained in green tea is protective in protecting brain neurons. Thus, consuming green tea regularly can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson when we are elderly later.

9. Maintaining healthy teeth and lower the risk of infection

Still the compound catechin or catechin. According to some studies, these compounds can help kill bacteria and inhibit the growth of viruses that cause infection.

When consumed regularly, then green tea can kill bacteria and viruses in our mouths. This is why many experts concluded green tea is very good for preventing dental caries and bad breath.

10. Make us longevity

Benefits of green tea for health
Of course all living things will die. However, given the green tea drinkers have a lower risk of cancer and heart disease, it certainly makes sense when one drinks can add to our age.

In a Japanese study involving 40 530 adults, those who consumed green tea (2-3 cups per day) experienced a significantly lower risk of death within a period of 11 years, than those who do not eat at all. Great!

Interested to try green tea?

To get all the benefits of green tea over consume on a regular basis are not enough guys. From now you also have to adopt a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and sleep regularly for optimal results.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017


11 Natural Ways to Prevent and Eliminate Dandruff

11 Natural Ways to Prevent and Eliminate Dandruff

11 Natural Ways to Prevent and Eliminate Dandruff - Having dandruff certainly very unpleasant. This condition often makes us insecure and not free to wear dark clothes.

In addition, dandruff also makes us itch hair and make our behavior a bit embarrassing because we often scratching their heads.

Dandruff can occur due to a dry scalp, inflammation of the scalp, the buildup of dead skin cells on the head, and also due to the fungus on the scalp known as malasseiza. This fungus can break down the oil glands in the scalp and make it as food.

Later, fungus malasseiza will produce fatty acids that can make the scalp becomes itchy and easily dried to form dandruff.

Many shampoos are offered on the market for dandruff. However, not infrequently even make the shampoo scalp becomes sensitive and irritated skin. If your scalp including one that is sensitive, you should try some natural ways to eliminate dandruff below:

1. Lemon

Lemon has a level of acidity that can help maintain the pH of the scalp to remain balanced. This will prevent the fungus live on the scalp and produce dandruff.

Lemon can work as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal that can kill bacteria and fungi that cause dandruff.

1. Take one lemon and squeeze the juice.
2. Dissolve the results of lemon juice into a glass of water.
3. Dampen the hair with water.
4. Pour a glass of lemon juice to the head evenly
5. Let stand for 20-25 minutes. You may feel a little itchy but this is normal.
6. Rinse with clean water and continue to wash using shampoo.

You can also add 2 teaspoons of coconut oil in lemon juice to give vitamin E on the scalp to scalp cells become healthier.

2. Baking soda

You can use baking soda for scrubbing your scalp. It is intended to peel and exfoliate the scalp that has to die in order not to accumulate and form dandruff.

In addition, baking soda can also inhibit the growth of fungus on the scalp and prevents scalp itching experienced.

1. Dampen the hair.
2. Take 1 tablespoon of baking soda and place it on hand.
3. Rub baking soda-rub gently on the scalp.
4. Rinse with clean water until no baking soda attached.

Baking soda will make the hair feel drier at first, but after a few weeks of your scalp will return to produce oil that will make your hair become soft back and free from dandruff.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Many studies have proven that apple cider vinegar can help remove dandruff in the hair. This solution has acidic properties that can change the pH of the scalp that cannot be occupied by fungi that cause dandruff.

Apple cider vinegar can also help relieve the itching of the head and prevent the scalp becomes dry.

1. Prepare a spray bottle empty.
2. Enter or + 50ml ¼ cup apple cider vinegar into a spray bottle and mix with ¼ cup (+ 50ml) of clean water.
3. Spray a solution of apple cider vinegar mixture evenly to the entire scalp.
4. Wrap your hair with a towel and let stand for 30-60 minutes.
5. When finished rinse your hair thoroughly.
6. Do this 2x a week until your hair free of dandruff.

4. Coconut oil

Coconut oil can help remove dandruff from your hair because of its ability to inhibit the growth of fungus on the scalp.

Moreover coconut oil is also rich in vitamin E to nourish and maintain healthy scalp and your hair.

1. Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and rub into your scalp when the condition of your hair is still dry.
2. Flatten the entire surface of the scalp while doing light massage on the scalp.
3. Let stand for 30-60 minutes.
4. When finished, Wash as usual using shampoo to clean.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a plant which possesses a myriad of benefits such as eliminating acne and dandruff on the scalp. Aloe Vera can exfoliate the scalp is dead and can also kill fungi that may be lodged in your scalp.

In addition, aloe Vera gel has a chilling effect that can relieve itching and inflammation of the scalp.

1. Take one stalk of aloe Vera gel and remove the part that is in the meat leaves.
2. Apply aloe Vera gel evenly on the entire scalp while doing gentle massage.
3. Let stand for 10-15 minutes and then proceed to wash using shampoo as usual.

6. Yoghurt

You can use yogurt to get rid of dandruff due to the nature of the acid which can kill the fungi that cause dandruff.

In addition, yogurt can also give softness to your hair and make your hair shinier.

1. Take 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt (no taste) and leave it in the open state at room temperature for 1 day to fermentation process running again.
2. Apply yogurt from the scalp, the hair root, to the ends evenly.
3. Let stand for 1 hour and then rinse using shampoo as usual.
4. Do this 3 times a week to get maximum results.

7. Onions

Onions have the ability to kill fungi and bacteria that cause dandruff in the hair. However, not much to like in this way because of the smell of garlic is quite sharp, but this way is quite potent in eliminating dandruff.

1. Take 2 cloves of garlic that is still raw and mash until smooth.
2. Mix with honey and ginger to reduce the pungent smell of garlic.
3. Rub-rub into the scalp gently.
4. Rinse with water and follow with a wash using shampoo as usual.

8. Olive oil

Olive oil can work in eliminating dandruff in the hair and prevent scalp becomes dry. In addition, the vitamin E in olive oil to maintain a healthy scalp and hair.

1. Take 1 tablespoon of olive oil and rub it evenly on your palms.
2. Massage the scalp gently with the hand that had been smeared with olive oil.
3. Wrap your head and your hair with a warm towel for approximately 30 minutes.
4. Rinse and proceed to wash using shampoo.

9. The oil extracts of lavender

Lavender oil extract has a function similar to olive oil is to eliminate dandruff and scalp maintains moisture.

In addition, lavender oil can also reduce itching caused by dandruff.

1. Take 1 tablespoon of lavender oil and roll in the palm of your hand.
2. Massage the scalp gently with the palm of a hand full of lavender oil.
3. Let stand for 15 minutes and then proceed to wash using shampoo.

10. Tomato

One cause of dandruff is pH imbalance in the scalp so that it becomes the perfect place for the growth of fungi that cause dandruff.

Therefore, tomato could be one solution for dandruff due to acid content which can rebalance the pH of the scalp.

1. Take 2 tomatoes then destroyed.
2. Mix with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
3. Apply the mixture on the scalp until smooth and occasionally do a massage on the scalp gently.
4. Let stand for 1 hour and then proceed to wash using shampoo.

11. Ginger

Ginger is often used as a natural ingredient dandruff remover because it has the ability to overcome inflammation of the scalp that can lead to dandruff and inhibit the growth of mold.

In addition, ginger is also efficacious in improving the circulation in the scalp that trigger the growth of new hair.

1. Take the taste of ginger, grated, and then boil until the juice out.
2. Mix ginger juice with 1 teaspoon of sesame oil.
3. Use the mixture to wash and let stand for 15 minutes, and then rinse your hair thoroughly.

Tips to prevent the return of dandruff

After you successfully get rid of dandruff with one of the above, you should also pay attention to the following tips to prevent the return of dandruff is:

1. Carefully combed hair with a comb good

You should use a comb gently so as not to hurt the scalp and cause dandruff
In addition to making neat hair, combing can also improve circulation in the scalp to promote hair growth.

2. Routine washing hair

Wash your hair (shampoo) routinely two days to get rid of dead skin cells on the scalp.

If you use conditioner, make sure to apply it on the scalp but not by distance + 2cm from the base of the hair. This is so the rest of the conditioner is not attached to the scalp and dandruff accumulate into.

3. Avoid using too much hairspray

Besides making the hair become dry, hairspray contains particles that can be left on the hair and cause dandruff. Therefore, immediately wash your hair after you are finished using hairspray.

4. Limit the use of a hair dryer (hair dryer)

Hair dryer give off heat that can make hair and scalp becomes dry. This would make it easier to peel your scalp and dandruff forming.

If you must use a hair dryer, set the heat at a temperature of at least and if you need a fairly high heat to blow in your hair, make sure that heat from a hair dryer does not lead directly on your scalp.

5. Keep your head occasional sun exposure and free air

Your head should occasionally exposed to sunlight and air free so that the fungus does not thrive on your scalp.

Wear a hat if it is really necessary. However, you also need to be careful because the sun is too hot can make your scalp dry quickly.

Some ways and tips to eliminate dandruff naturally described above. Keep your hair and scalp are always healthy and hopefully your hair free of dandruff are stubborn.

14 Simple Ways To Preventing Body Odor

14 Simple Ways To Preventing Body Odor - Body odor certainly made us feel very uncomfortable. It can interfere with the activity and often can destroy our social life.

Moreover, people around us are definitely going to feel uncomfortable and disturbed by the unpleasant aroma that comes out of our bodies.

Sources of body odor that arise are usually derived from the production of excessive sweating, underarms, and legs. To eliminate this odor, many people who use perfume in order to become fragrant smell of his body. But in reality, perfume can only be a temporary solution.

Once the perfume was missing, we will begin to body odor smell back. Therefore, it most needs to be done to eliminate body odor effectively is by controlling the source. Here are some ways to eliminate body odor that you can try:

1. Wipe the sweat as much as possible

One of the causes of body odor is the presence of excessive perspiration that accumulates. Sweat this creates moist conditions on the skin so that it becomes a good place for bacteria growth, especially if the skin is tightly sealed by clothing and are not exposed to the outside air.

These bacteria will secrete compounds that cause the unpleasant body odor. Therefore, wipes the sweat as much as possible with a tissue, handkerchief or towel dry to prevent bacteria that cause body odor live and nest.

2. Wear clothes that can absorb sweat well

Clothes like these are usually made of cotton. This will make the sweat does not continue to stick to the body so that the growth of bacteria that cause body odor can be prevented.

3. Shower with antibacterial soap

Bathe regularly morning and evening using antibacterial soap containing triclosan active compound. This compound will help kill germs / bacteria attached to the skin of the body.

Rub with the patient, especially in the armpits and between toes where the source of body odor is most often arise. You are also advised to undergo a shower after activity or exercise that makes your body secrete excessive sweating.

Given the nature of antibacterial soaps tend to throw away dry skin; it is also advisable to use lotion after a shower. This will help keep your skin soft and deodorize your body.

4. Change your socks every day

Make sure you change your socks every day to eliminate the source of body odor comes from the legs.

Socks are not replaced will make your feet moist and become a perfect place for the growth of bacteria and fungi that can cause a bad odor. Also, make sure your feet are completely dry before you put on socks or shoes.

5. Soak feet in a solution of salt

One cause of the smell that comes from the foot due to fungi or bacteria attached on the sidelines of the foot. Therefore, every afternoon of your feet soak in warm water that has been given a mixture of salt.

This will make the growth of odor-causing bacteria and fungi can be prevented. Another benefit of this method is to keep your feet dry conditions and do not absorb moisture.

6. Use anti-perspirant

Before you move, use anti-perspirant on your body, especially in the armpits and between the toes. At first glance similar to the anti-perspirant deodorant, but it turns out both of them have different properties.

Anti perspirant containing the active ingredients mainly aluminum substances that can inhibit sweating, while the deodorant contains purely refreshing and gives the fragrance on your body.

However, we have made many deodorant products which also double as an anti-perspirant. Therefore, you need to be careful in choosing the deodorant that you will use.

7. Apply lemon juice

In addition to refreshing fragrance, lemon juice has a compound as an antibacterial agent that can kill and inhibit the growth of bacteria on the skin that cause body odor.

1. Take one lemon and take the juice.
2. Apply the juice of lemon, especially in the armpits and between the toes.
3. Let stand for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with clean water.
4. Do these 2 days to permanently eliminate body odor.

8. Use baking soda

Baking soda can use to eliminate body odor because it is reliable in absorbing sweat and kill bacteria that cause body odor.

1. Take 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
2. Mix with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
3. Apply the mixture on areas of the body that are often excessive sweating, especially in the underarm area.
4. Let stand for 5-10 minutes (do not rub).
5. Rinse using clean water.

Do this regularly 1x a day before the shower for a few weeks to get maximum results.
Japanese mask

9. Use apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an agent of the killer bacteria that cause body odor is the most potent. Apple cider vinegar works by keeping the body's pH balance of the skin so that bacteria cannot live there. There are 3 ways to use apple cider vinegar to eliminate body odor, including:

A. Applying apple cider vinegar on the skin that sweats.
The trick: Pour apple cider vinegar on cotton and dab on areas of the body that is often sweating, for example armpits. Let stand for 2-3 minutes, then rinse while continuing to shower. You can do this way 2x a day before showering.

B. Bath with cider vinegar.
How: Add 1 cup (250ml) of apple cider vinegar into a bathtub filled with water that has been warmly. Use it to soak for about 30 minutes. Do it this way two days until your body odor disappeared.

C. Drinking cider vinegar.
Besides being used for external use, you can also drink apple cider vinegar to eliminate body odor from the inside.

The trick: Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with honey in a glass of warm water. Drink this concoction 2x a day. In addition to your body odor disappears, your body will feel more refreshed.

10. Wearing Rosemary flowers

Rosemary is a flower or plant that is often used as herbal ingredients, good for a mix of cuisine, tea, or certain health products. In eliminating body odor, rosemary contains menthol and chlorophyll to neutralize unpleasant body odor and provide a refreshing fragrance.

In addition, this flower also contains antioxidants that can inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause body odor.

1. Take 1 cup of rosemary leaves, then drain.
2. Once dry, mix in 4 cups of hot water and let dissolve for 10 minutes.
3. Add the rosemary solution into your bath and let stand for 15-20 minutes before use.
4. Wash with a mixture of rosemary, every day until your body odor disappeared.

In addition, you also can apply directly rosemary essential oil products sold in the market as a natural deodorant for your underarms.

11. Eat green vegetables

Eat green vegetables such as spinach; kale and celery are rich in chlorophyll to get rid of your body odor. Chlorophyll content in these vegetables can be an effective natural deodorant to remove smell of your body.

Additionally, you can also drink water boiled celery to get a more potent effect in eliminating body odor.

How: Mix 1 teaspoon finely chopped celery into 1 cup of hot water and stirs for 5 minutes, then drink after water was warm.

12. Limit your intake of certain foods

Certain foods can cause body odor less unpleasant. Such foods include: onions, banana, red meat, and canned foods with high sugar content.

In addition, caffeinated beverages can also cause body odor. Therefore, it is advised not to consume them in large numbers and too often.

13. Avoid stress

In one study states that stress can trigger excessive sweating by the apocrine glands which can cause body odor. Feelings of anxiety and anger that continuously also trigger these glands.

Therefore, avoid stress and make the management of the stress you are experiencing. You can do meditation for 15 minutes every day and also sports yoga.

14. Consult your doctor

If all of the above have to do and you still have a body odor and excessive sweating, you need to consult these conditions on a doctor.

Some conditions such as hyper-reaction of the thyroid gland can cause you to sweat excessively.

Additionally, you may be diagnosed with bromhidrosis disorder is a condition in which a person has a pungent body odor. Your doctor will give you some herb anti-perspirant with a certain level in dealing with your body odor.

Tips on using deodorant, anti-perspirant, and perfumes

If you prefer to use anti-perspirant, deodorant or perfume as a way to remove the smell of your body, you should consider some of the following tips:

1. Do not combine deodorant, anti-perspirant and perfumes at one time in the same place. This can cause a bad odor.
2. Avoid wearing perfume directly on the armpit because it can cause irritation and redness. Moreover, the perfume will only make the sweat has more strange smell.
3. Select which contains anti perspirant deodorant. It would be more effective in driving the body odor.
4. Always observe skin changes that occur when using deodorant, anti-perspirant, as well as perfumes. If the skin even becomes red, itchy, sore or inflamed, discontinue use immediately. This marks your skin is sensitive to these products.

Some ways to eliminate body odor has been described in detail above. In addition to some of the natural ingredients that have been mentioned above, there are some other plants that you can use to eliminate body odor like plant Witch Hazel and Sage.

But unfortunately, the plant was difficult to be found in Indonesia and only found abroad. Hopefully by doing the ways above diligently, you can be free of unpleasant body odor.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


13 Ways to Remove Eye Bags Naturally


13 Ways to Remove Eye Bags Naturally - Having eye bags can reduce confidence. Many people think that the eye bags will only appear when you age. But in fact, someone young can experience this problem.

Eye bag usually arise due to reduced elasticity of the skin in those areas and are caused by other factors, especially lack of time resting or sleeping enough.

13 Ways to remove eye bags naturally

Nonetheless, you do not need to worry because there are some natural ingredients that can be used to eliminate the pockets on the area around the eyes. Consider some of the following to remove eye bags and try to practice it at home now:

1. Potatoes

Potatoes are one of the natural ingredients is not only commonly consumed as a food, but also efficacious to overcome skin problems including removing eye bags.

Potatoes contain Catecholase enzymes and antioxidants were able to restore the freshness of the skin and brighten the eye area. To get the properties of the potatoes, follow the steps below:

1. Place the potato pieces and rub the cleaned before the area around the eyes
2. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water
3. Do not forget to repeat this treatment every day until the eye bags disappear
4. You can also create a potato mask on grate the potatoes and mix it with honey. Apply the mask on the eye area for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.

In addition to applying directly, potato masks can also be used to compress the tired eyes by putting it on a cloth and put it on the eye area.

2. Cucumber

Astringent substances contained in cucumber can be a refreshing effect on the skin as well as eliminate the bag in the area around the eyes.

Cucumbers also contain ascorbic acid and caffeine that are proven to brighten dark skin and moisturize the skin. Additionally cucumber is known to help tighten pores and stimulate the regeneration of the skin. For how to remove bags under the eyes using cucumber, follow the steps below:

1. Chill cucumber in the refrigerator for ten minutes or more
2. Cucumber sliced ​​into a few sections
3. Put the pieces or slices of cucumber on your eyes and let it stick for approximately 25 minutes
4. For maximum results, it is advisable to perform this treatment every day.

3. Green tea

Green tea is beneficial for health and beauty. High content of antioxidants in green tea can prevent the effects of free radicals cause the skin becomes dull and causing eye bags.

Green tea is also rich in vitamin C that can stimulate the production of collagen in the skin so that it can be used to treat and remove bags under the eyes. Follow these steps to get the benefits of green tea:

. Do not waste your bag of green tea that has been used
. Keep bags of green tea that has been brewed in the refrigerator or freezer
. Compress the eyes with the green tea bag for about 15 minutes
. Do this treatment every day after the activity and before bed.

4. Apply with ice cubes

Ice cubes or cold water also can minimize the swollen eyes and helps eliminate eye bags.

The cold of the compress is placed on the eye area is efficacious reduce inflammation. This treatment is very easy and efficient to remove bags under the eyes.

The way is to soak the fabric in cold water or ice water and then put a compress on the eye socket area.

5. How to eliminate eye panda with honey

Honey is used in traditional medicine can also be used to treat eye bags.

Anti-inflammatory compounds in honey can reduce inflammation and slow the aging process of the skin. Here's how you can use to remove bags under the eyes by using honey:

. Clean the face first, then apply honey on the bottom of the eyes and leave for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.
. Make a honey mask by mixing honey with olive oil or milk, then apply on eyelids for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water and do this treatment every day on a regular basis.

6. Essence of roses

Essence of roses can reduce fatigue and inflammation of the eye that causes the appearance of eye bags.

To help cope with bags under the eyes, pour rose water on a cotton swab and apply to the area around the eyes. You can do this treatment while lying relaxed or before you go to sleep.

7. How to remove panda eyes with olive oil

Olive oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids are beneficial to health.

The fatty acids contained in olive oil are able to overcome inflammation of the eyelids as well moisturize it. Olive oil is also rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, which can tighten the skin so efficacious inhibit the aging process.

To get rid of bags under the eyes, apply a compress or cotton wool moistened with olive oil before going to bed and the next morning wash the face with warm water. Do this treatment routinely to obtain optimal results and ensure that you use olive oil is pure olive oil.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

The content of malic acid in apple cider vinegar can be used to reduce inflammation in the eye area.

Care to remove bags under the eyes by using apple cider vinegar is also very easy, simply by applying it to the area around the eyes using cotton. Let stand for about 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

9. How to remove bags under the eyes with Yogurt

Yogurt is a dairy product that has previously been fermented by adding the aid of bacteria lactobacillus sp or lactic streptococcus.

Yogurt contains nutrients, proteins and vitamins to reduce puffy eyes and prevent eye bags. The lactic acids contained in yogurt are also efficacious to reduce inflammation and restore skin firmness. To remove bags under the eyes by using yogurt, follow these steps:

1. Mix yogurt with honey or lemon juice to taste
2. Apply the mixture on the area around the eyes and leave for more than 15 minutes.
3. Rinse with warm water.
4. Perform this treatment at least 2 to 3 times a week.

10. Lemon

Lemon is a natural material that is known to have skin lightening effect. Vitamin C and ascorbic acid contained in the lemon juice can overcome inflammation of the skin and stimulating the formation of new skin cells, especially in the area around the eye socket.

To get the properties, just rub lemon juice on the area around the eyes using a cotton swab and let stand for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water.

If you have Sensitive skin should avoid using lemon in the area of ​​facial skin because it can trigger inflammatory reactions and makes the skin becomes red.

11. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one herb that has anti-inflammatory and soothing the skin.

Aloe Vera gels contain substances that can reduce inflammation in the skin and brighten skin in the area of ​​eye bags. Apply aloe vera gel around the eyes and let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and do the treatment every day for eye bags quickly disappeared.

12. Orange peel

Powdered orange peel is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants can be used as a mask to reduce the inflammation and the sac that appeared in the area around the eyes.

This powder can be obtained by drying the orange peel and grind in a food processor or blender. Combine orange peel powder with honey or lemon juice to form a paste.

Apply the paste on the area around the eyes and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and repeat 2 to 3 times a week.

13. How to remove bags under the eyes with eggs

Egg whites contain amino acids and protein as well as vitamins and minerals that can help eliminate bags under the eyes as well trigger skin cell turnover.

This is the way to eliminate bags around the eyes using egg whites:

1. Separate the white yolk
2. Beat the egg whites for 5 minutes
3. Apply egg white mask on eye bags and leave to dry
4. Rinse with warm water

Do this treatment every day for two weeks in a row to get optimal results.

Simple tips to prevent eye bags

In addition to using natural materials above, there are some tips that can be done to prevent and reduce eye puffiness, including the following:

1. Get enough rest

Lack of sleep is a major cause of bags under the eyes, so if you do not want to have eye bags or exacerbate them, sufficient rest.

Go to bed early 7 to 8 hours every night and avoid late nights when not needed.

2. Drink lots of water

The body is hydrated or have fluid levels in the body are well reflected in the condition of the skin. Consume plenty of fluids every day can reduce the risk of the emergence of pockets on the eye area.

Water also can help remove harmful substances or toxins in the body that can cause a variety of problems, especially for the skin.

3. Reduce consumption of salt

Excessive salt consumption can hold water in the body and make your skin dry.

Too many foods with high enough levels of salt can worsen the condition of eye puffiness. If you consume such foods, drink enough water everyday because water can help the body remove excess salt is not needed from the bloodstream.

4. Often exercise

Exercise and activity can help remove bags under the eyes. With exercise, the body can increase blood flow to the skin, especially around the eye area will get enough oxygen and nutrients.

Exercising can also trigger excretion or spending the rest of substances or toxins in the body through the pores of the skin.

5. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are high. Compounds in fruits and vegetables are able to maintain skin elasticity and firmness and prevent radical effects on the skin that cause the appearance of eye bags.

Although it will takes time to see results from the use of natural materials above but the ways above worth a try because of natural materials usually have no side effects when used. Try and prove himself several ways to eliminate eye bags described above.


10 Early Signs Of Pregnancy That You Should Know


Every woman would want  a baby in her life. Before having a child, a woman will become pregnant first. The gestation period is defined as the period of a woman containing the fetus or unborn child.

Pregnancy occurs when the egg sperm cells fuses together to form a zygote or embryo that then grows and develop in the womb or uterus of a woman.

Initially the woman will suspect she was pregnant when she missed a period or cessation of menstruation is called amenorrhea. Menstruation itself occurs when the egg is fertilized by a sperm and then decays along with the blood vessels in the uterine wall.

How do the signs of pregnancy?

Many hormonal changes that occur in the body and hormonal in early pregnancy changes that trigger this reaction or symptoms of pregnancy. Although the symptoms or signs of pregnancy are different in every woman, there are some common symptoms that are usually encountered. Consider the characteristics of those pregnant following to determine whether the person is actually pregnant or not:

1. Nausea and Vomiting

Hormonal changes in early pregnancy to make the digestive system disrupted. Declining estrogen levels in women who are pregnant cause’s muscles to weaken digestion and increased levels of acid in the stomach.

One of the characteristics of a pregnant man is nausea and wants to vomit. The symptoms sometimes make women suspicious if she was pregnant and usually will test them using test pack or consult with a physician. Nonetheless, nausea or vomiting are not always caused by pregnancy, may be nausea and vomiting caused by the condition of the body that is not fit.

During pregnancy a woman also often experience morning sickness or nausea or want to vomit in the morning. These symptoms begin to appear in the fourth week until the twelfth week of pregnancy. To reduce symptoms of nausea and vomiting, follow these tips:

1. Eat smaller portions and frequent. It's better than eating large meals three times a day.
2. Consume more fluids, fruits and vegetables to facilitate the digestive process and restore normal levels of gastric acid in the body.
3. When I woke up in the morning, sit down for a moment on the edge of the bed and got up slowly.
4. Drinking ginger tea and inhale can reduce nausea and vomiting was severe.
5. If nausea and vomiting is getting worse and makes the body becomes weak, or better known as hyperemesis gravidarum, you should immediately consult the nearest doctor or medical expert

But keep in mind also that not all pregnant women experience morning sickness. As reported by top medical organizations, the Mayo Clinic states that some women who have healthy pregnancies do not experience morning sickness during pregnancy.

2. The mouth feels sour

Estrogen levels fall in the body of pregnant women and reduce the function of the sensitivity of the tongue that serves as the sense of taste. This is what causes the tongue tastes bitter or sour.

These conditions become one of the characteristics of pregnant women, where women always want to eat foods that are sweet or sour or commonly known as cravings. Based on the experience of women who were pregnant, how to solve this problem is to eat fruits that contain lots of fluids and sweet tastes like watermelon and melon.

3. Loss of appetite or no appetite

Nausea, vomiting and abdominal discomfort will make a woman pregnant loss of appetite. High levels of stomach acid in the body trigger discomfort in the stomach and make the tongue tasted bitter.

4. Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain caused by digestion running smoothly and accumulation of gas in the stomach are pressing on the abdomen.

These symptoms may also be caused by the expansion of the uterus or uterine urgent abdominal muscles as well as suppress the stomach. If the stomach pain continues, you should immediately consult a doctor or midwife nearby, because it can be detrimental to health, especially in pregnant women.

5. The burning sensation in the chest

Other signs commonly experienced by women who are pregnant are a burning sensation in the chest or throat called heartburn term.

Heartburn occurs due to declining levels of estrogen in the body and causes the muscle valve or valves that restrict the stomach to the esophagus open, allowing stomach acid to flow out until it reaches the esophagus.

The high levels of stomach acid into the esophagus can press and cause a burning sensation in the chest.To reduce these signs should follow the steps below:

1. Eat small meals often as possible
2. Avoid foods shortly before bedtime
3. Avoid consumption of spicy foods, greasy and acidic because these foods can trigger the production of excess stomach acid.
4. Sleep with a pillow that is thick enough so that the head is maintained at the top.
5. Use comfortable clothing and loose
6. Consult a doctor if the pain and burning persists.

6. Frequent belching and flatulence

As described earlier, during pregnancy, digestive woman is not functioning properly and cause excessive gas production in the stomach.

The gas generated as waste products normally excreted through the mouth and anus so that someone will be more frequent burping and flatulence.

Although these signs are more like signs of colds, if you experience it and suspect something is not right, then consult a doctor immediately because these signs could be a sign that you are pregnant.

7. Constipation

Constipation is a condition where the digestive not running smoothly and stool or hard stools that person would have a difficult defecation.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause the large intestine or colon distracted and slow down the process of spending the feces from the body.

Constipation is allowed to continue could cause piles or hemorrhoids are characterized by the presence of blood in the stool. If you experience this during pregnancy, then follow these tips:

1. Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits that are rich in fiber and capable of launching the work the gastrointestinal tract.
2. Drink water and multiply the consumption of other liquids such as fruit juice or milk, and as much as possible to avoid the consumption of soft drinks and caffeine.
3. Do light exercise like yoga and swimming to improve the condition of hormonal and keep your body fit during pregnancy.
4. Avoid supplements that contain iron for a short while because it can aggravate constipation.
5. Consuming drugs laxatives or laxative without the advice of a doctor is not recommended during pregnancy.

8. Diarrhea

Other sign that may be experienced by a woman who is pregnant is diarrhea. Diarrhea is a condition in which the body secretes stool or liquid stool that can be caused by bacteria or bacteria that enter the digestive system.

However, in pregnant women, diarrhea that occurs due to muscle the gastrointestinal tract in the colon loses its ability to absorb fluids due to hormonal changes. If allowed to continue, diarrhea can lead to dehydration and these conditions may harm the fetus.

Diarrhea can be prevented by keeping the food and the environment and consume lots of fiber and water. Do not let the protracted diarrhea, if you are experienced in early pregnancy should immediately consult a doctor.

9. Swollen belly and growling

Accumulation of residual gas or a pile of digestion in the stomach pregnant woman can make seem large or distended stomach and a noise like people who are starving or commonly referred to as stomach rumbling.

The gas that accumulates in the abdomen can cause discomfort and distress. To alleviate these signs should avoid foods that trigger gas in the stomach such as cabbage vegetables, soft drinks and beverages containing caffeine.

10. Irritability

One of the characteristics of a pregnant man is irritable. When pregnant, hormonal changes not only affect the physical condition of a woman but also affect mood and feelings.

The ups and downs and progesterone hormone levels in the body triggers the brain to produce chemical compounds that can trigger stress in a person. These symptoms are almost similar to those of people who are menstruating or experiencing PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome) where the feelings become very sensitive and easily offended. Based on research and surveys, during pregnancy, one in ten pregnant women may experience depression and stress.

However, this condition can be addressed immediately consult a doctor. Stress and depression during pregnancy is a risk to the fetus conceived.

Other pregnancy signs

These symptoms are normal and can be found in women who are pregnant and can be used as signs or characteristics of women who were pregnant. In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, there are other symptoms that may be experienced by some women in early pregnancy, such as:

1. Vaginal Bleeding

Often in early pregnancy vaginal bleeding and women regard it as menstrual blood. Actually bleeding that occurs early in pregnancy are the remnants of the blood vessels in the uterine wall which decays and is not menstrual blood.

2. Changes in the breast

Women who are pregnant will experience these symptoms. Breast size and tightens enlarged breasts are being prepared to accommodate breastfeeding or milk supplied for babies born later.

3. Aches

High levels of progesterone during pregnancy can lead to soreness in the muscles of a woman.

High progesterone levels can slow down the metabolism in the body and reduce the amount of energy produced and increase the levels of lactic acid cause soreness in the muscles.

4. Frequent urination

Women who are pregnant are usually more frequent urination. This is due to the expansion of the uterus or the uterus presses the bladder where urine accumulates.

Bladder pressure is not able to accommodate the volume of urine as usual so that pregnant women more frequent urination.

5. Itching

Other pregnancy symptoms are not much experienced is itching of the skin. The itching is very annoying and can make a pregnant woman annoyed.

That’s the characteristics of those pregnant commonly experienced in early pregnancy. These symptoms can be overcome if they maintain a diet, rest and light exercise routine. If the symptoms are not insurmountable and even more severe, consult a doctor as soon as possible before it is too late.
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